It's up to Shuri to travel from Wakanda in order to discover what is killing the Herb, and how she can save it, in the first volume of this all-new, original adventure. No matter what the people of Wakanda do, they can't save them. Much like Vibranium, the Heart-Shaped Herb is essential to the survival and prosperity of Wakanda. This story follows Shuri as she sets out on a quest to save her homeland of Wakanda.For centuries, the Chieftain of Wakanda (the Black Panther) has gained his powers through the juices of the Heart-Shaped Herb.

Shuri is a skilled martial artist, a genius, and a master of science and technology. For centuries, the Chieftain of Wakanda (the Black Panther) has gained his powers through the juices of the Heart-Shaped. An original, upper-middle-grade series starring the breakout character from the Black Panther comics and films: T'Challa's younger sister, Shuri! Crafted by New York Times bestselling author Nic Stone.